Habitats: The Canyon Plains
The Canyon Plains
The Canyon Plains
inside a side-canyon
inside a side-canyon
Between the Canyon Rim and the Fish River Canyon a landscape dominated by eroding formations stretches. The Canyon Plains mark the major part of the Vogelstrausskluft farm area. On a distance of 32km the narrowest point is 1.5 the widest 9km wide. The slightly towards the river descending terrain is streaked with small, narrow side-canyons, hills and various interesting rock formations.

Like the Canyon Rim, the Canyon Plains are hard to access and therefore were not or only little used for farming. The cracks, dug in the ground by the down flowing water, were too dangerous for sheep and goats. Especially the northern part, directly below the Vogelstrausskluft plateau, so nearly is untouched.

Other than the plateau, the Canyon Plains are a very scarce habitat that consists of fields of rocks and only little vegetation. Life in this area in general takes place in the side-canyons that give shelter from the heat of the sun. Each of those canyons looks different: From wider valleys to tubular, smooth channels every facet can be found. The shady places are cooler than the open plains and sometimes keep small waterholes that dry out very seldom. The side-canyons therefore play an important role in the survival of many animals.

The difficult terrain, the lack of enough feed and the inaccessible waterholes are the reasons that not all kinds of animals can be spotted in the Canyon Plains. Only the easily satisfied, highly flexible or specially adapted found a habitat here.

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